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India Unveils ₹9.15 Lakh Crore Plan to Meet 458 GW Power Demand by 2032

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After clearing out systematic national power shortage per order of Prime Minister Modi, India’s Ministry of Power announced a dominating ₹9.15 lakh crore National Electricity Plan (2023-2032) that will improve the power structure and energy security of the country. Bringing forth target of 458GW peak demand by 2032, Union Minister Manohar Lal states that the growth of the transmission network is from 4.85 lakh ckm in 2024 to 6.48 lakh ckm in 2032. It is expected that the fluctuation capacity will increase from 1251 GVA to 2341 GVA.

The more pressing objectives would be assimilation of variable renewable energy quintessence (VRE) as well as the informatics of green hydrogen into the grid. 50 GW of ISTS capacity has been accorded approval to evacuate 280 GW of VRE by the year 2030. Up to now, 42 GW has been completed, while 85 GW has been reported as under construction. Others are targeting 83,596 vulnerable tribal households for electrification and augmenting cyber security with the CSIRT-Power unit. Revamped electric vehicle charging infrastructure was also implemented to further encourage the uptake of EVs in India, the latter not surprisingly facing many issues.

For more details : MSN.Com

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